Ongoing Formation

Our annual ongoing formation evenings for Baptism Teams will be presented by Sheila O’Dea and Colette Furlong. These will take place on Tuesday 5 May in the oratory of the Church of the Holy Family Kill O’ The Grange and on Thursday 7 May in Clonliffe College from 8.00 – 9.30 p.m. There is no charge for these sessions but please let us know if intend to be there so that we organise seating and refreshments.

New Baptism Teams
The Easter Season is an appropriate time to look at the celebration of Baptism in our parishes. Colette Furlong is our training resource person in this area. Courses for newly formed Baptism Teams can be arranged through our office and where possible, with your help, we like to offer the course to other parishes in your area.

By way of preparation for the Eucharistic Congress in 2012, the members of the Diocesan Music Commission have chosen a selection of music by Irish composers which will be sung at the Annual Corpus Christi Procession on Thursday 11 June at 7.30 p.m. in the grounds of Holy Cross College, Clonliffe. It is hoped this year to form a Massed Choir to sing with the Dublin Diocesan Music Group for this event. Hopefully we can build up this Choir over the next few years so that we will be ready for 2012. Meanwhile the suggested music can be used for the Sunday celebration of the Body and Blood of Christ in parishes on Sunday 14 June. You are invited to a Holy Hour which will include this year’s music on Monday 11 May at 8.00 p.m. in the Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street. It would be great if very parish could be represented on that night in some way but in particular those who are engaged in the ministry of music. If you would like your Choir/Music Group to be part of the Massed Choir for 11 June please contact us now.
Funeral Day 23 May 2009
The next event in the ongoing formation of those engaged in funeral ministry will take place on:
Saturday 23 May from 9.30—1.15 pm.
in Clonliffe College.
Registration is at 9.00 a.m.
Opening Prayer and brief general session from 9.30—10.00.

There are four practical workshops offered for the rest of the morning and as they are repeated you can attend two of your choice:

1. Leading People in Prayer
2. Visiting the Home – Sensitivity
3. Reception of the Body at the Church – The Ritual
4. Working with the Family in preparing the liturgy.

This session will end with Closing Prayer at 1.00 p.m.
Cost €10.00 per person.


You are invited to a music workshop
with Liam Lawton on Monday 15 June 2009
from 8.00 – 9.30 p.m. in Clonliffe College Church (registration from 7.30 p.m.).
Healing Song is the title of Liam’s new recording of liturgical music
suitable for times of healing throughout the year.
Those who attend will receive the full music book with S.A.T.B. parts plus keyboard and guitar accompaniments.
The fee for the evening is €20. Please return booking form as soon as possible.

Becoming the Body of Christ
June 28th—July 3rd, 2009
All Hallows College,
Drumcondra, Dublin 9

A reminder that the closing date for applications for this conference on
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is Thursday 28 May


Liturgy Resource Centre, Holy Cross College, Clonliffe Road, Dublin 3.
Tel: 8379253 ext 241 Email:
litsec@dublindiocese.ie Web: www.litmus.dublindiocese.ie