Reflection from Psalm No. 147A


Our great God knows the number of stars,
He calls each orbit by name.
The same Lord it is who heals the
Broken hearted and binds up their wounds.

His greatness is matched only by his tenderness,
While his strength parallels his mercy.

The Lord appoints the times and seasons.
He covers the sky with rain-clouds.
He refreshes the earth
With water for its fruits.

He is the harvester of all living things.
He supplies provisions for all his creatures.

Such is Gods loving care and providence for all creation.
Well merited the praise and gratitude of
His children who understand
Their dependence on him.

Call me by my name, Lord,
As you call the stars in heaven.
And one day, use my name to call me
To your side forever.

The Lord sets the number of stars,
Gives to all of them their names. [Psalm 147:4]

Glory be…

This reflection was composed by Fr Kevin Lyon, a priest of the Dublin Diocese, and flows from his praying the psalms. Published in the book: Psalm-Prayers for every mood, reproduced with permission from the author and publishers: Columba Press,