The Invitation

 Would you like to join us in a 5 week ‘retreat’ with a difference?

 You don’t have to travel anywhere and it won’t cost you anything except your time. You follow your daily routine but do things in a more thoughtful and reflective way. This ‘retreat’ has at its heart an invitation to reconciliation and forgiveness as we prepare for Easter.

 It’s like ‘weight watchers’ for people who want to let go of the excess baggage we accumulate in life through our human weakness and failings.

 The Plan

  Each Sunday of Lent you will be given a leaflet with a short

  • passage from Scripture to reflect and act upon during the week.

The Celebration

 On Saturday 16 April a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place at the Pro-Cathedral at 11.40 a.m. when all the elements of this special Lenten retreat will be brought together. As a result your celebration of Holy Week and Easter could be as transformed as you.  


 13 March 2011

 Psalm 50:3      My offences truly I know them

  Pick up a stone or pebble today to carry with you over the next five weeks. The stone is a reminder of the human weaknesses and failings that weigh you down preventing you from living as freely and fully as you can. Take your stone out everyday and hold it in your hand. By the end of the five weeks you will know every part of it as you will know your inner self. Create a simple sacred space in your home (a corner of a room with a cross or a bible or a symbol of your faith) where you can place the stone in water overnight to release any negativity. At the end of each day write down your good qualities as well as your faults. You might find ways to use your strengths to transform your weaknesses. Each time you pass a mirror use it as a reminder to make this week a time for true reflection. The following prompts might also help:

 Thought for the Week

 – Last Night As I Was Sleeping   (Antonio Machado)

 Last night as I was sleeping, I dreamt – marvellous error! –

 That I had a beehive here inside my heart.

 And the golden bees were making white combs 

 and sweet honey from my old failures.

  Something to think about

You created me in your own image and likeness. You always see the good in me.

 Do I fail to see that goodness in myself which leads me to be envious,

 destructive and depressed?

 Do I recognise the gifts of others and acknowledge them by my affirmation?

 Do I judge myself and others very harshly?

 Lord, forgive me and help me to change on my journey

 You created me in your own image and likeness. You always see the good in me.

 Do I look down on those who are not as materially successful as I am?

 Do I resent the resources that are spent on other people at home and abroad?

 Do I dodge my taxes and have I been less than truthful with insurance claims?

 Lord, forgive me and help me to change on my journey

 You created me in your own image and likeness. You always see the good in me.

 Do I fail to act for justice by ignoring the needs of those on the margins?

 Do I honour the gift of life when I don’t have regular health checks, overeat, overindulge in alcohol, overwork and don’t take exercise?

 Do I neglect to preserve the environment by carelessly using limited natural resources?

 Lord, forgive me and help me to change on my journey


 Matthew 17:1 Jesus led them up a high mountain where they could be alone 

You don’t have to go up a high mountain to be alone. This week’s task is to find space and time each day to be quiet and reflective. It is only when you stand back from the daily business that you can see things more clearly. There is an expression ‘wake up and smell the roses’ and maybe Jesus is calling us to do that this week by taking time out to reflect, to pray and to be alone.
Catherine de Hueck Doherty says that ‘one of the first steps towards solitude is a departure…but that we are ‘blind to the “little departures” that fill our days’.

 When you wake up in the morning: 

Stay in the silence of that moment without radio, mobile phone or T.V.
Become aware of your breathing
Tune in to the sounds in your house
Listen to the ‘dawn chorus’ of the birds

 I thank you, God, for the gift of life and creation

 When travelling on your own in the car, on the road, or on your bicycle: 

Open yourself to your environment and other pilgrims on the way
Look out for spring flowers
Notice the colour and shape of buildings
Observe the people around you

 I thank you, God, for your presence in every person, moment and place 

When going to sleep at night:
Begin your preparations for bed earlier than usual
Think of all the people you met today
Be grateful for all the blessings of the day
Let go of all hurts that have accumulated through the day

I thank you, God, for the gift of your companionship this day 

Fast from noise and enjoy the sound of silence. Every day you will become more at home with yourself and your inner spirit where the God of peace and reconciliation is waiting for you with open arms. Such unconditional love is hard to resist.

 Thought for the Week The Sun Never Says (Hafiz)

 Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me’. Look what happens with a love like that,

It lights the whole sky.


 John 4:15 Give me some of that water so that I may never get thirsty and never have to come here again to draw water 
Get some holy water and place it in the bowl in your sacred space.
If you have a water font near the door of your house bless yourself thoughtfully each time you come and go. Drink at least one glass of water each day in a mindful way:

• Take the water slowly to your lips
• Notice the coolness of the water
• Feel the heating effect of your mouth on the water
• Sense the water on your tongue and its flow at the back of your throat
• Become aware of your body absorbing water

Baptism is the first source of new life and refreshment that we are offered on our spiritual journey. Reflect each day on one of the traditional baptismal promises and write them out in your own words, for example:

Do you reject sin, so as to live in the freedom of God’s children?
My faults are weighing me down – I want to be free.

Do you reject the glamour of evil and refuse to be mastered by sin?
I can rise above the lure of doing what I know is bad. I can take control with help.

Do you reject Satan, father of sin and prince of darkness?
I want to confront my dark side and bring it into the light

Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
Yes I acknowledge the One who created me in his image and likeness and who asks me to be a worthy steward of this earth. I will try to create heaven on earth by building up the kingdom of God here and now.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died and was buried, rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?
Yes I believe that Jesus is the supreme example of selflessness who taught us humility and whose model of a king is a servant.

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
Yes I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit who is guiding me along this journey of reconciliation and forgiveness.

 Thought for the Week 

A person desperately searching for God is like a fish desperately searching for water.

  4thSunday of Lent    3 April 2011

                John 9:7

 The blind man went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored.

 When you wash your face in the morning do so in a mindful way. Let this be the start of your reflection on the story ofthe man born blind whose sight was restored by Jesus when He sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. Some ideas for reflection: 

 What are yourblind spots?

 Are you aware of your own blindness?

 Do you appreciate your own gifts?

 Are you generous in seeing the good points in others?

 How narrow is your view or focus on life in general?

 Do you see people as they are especially those with disabilities?

 Is your judgement formed by prejudice?

 Where is the face of Christ to be seen today?

 Do you see the face of Christ when you look in the mirror?

 Open my eyes Lord help me to see your face

 Do you see the face of Christ in those you meet in the street?

 Open my eyes Lord help me to see your face

 Do you see the face of Christ in those with whom you work?

 Open my eyes Lord help me to see your face

 Do you see the face of Christ in the poor and the homeless?

 Open my eyes Lord help me to see your face

 Do you see the face of Christ in the refugee?

 Open my eyes Lord help me to see your face

 Do you see the face of Christ in the prisoner?

 Open my eyes Lord help me to see your face

 Stare at the four black dots in the centre of the image for 30 – 60seconds.

Then quickly close your eyes and look at something bright (like alamp or a window with sunlight coming through it). You should see a white circlewith an image inside it.

 Thought for the Week

 Anyone who ignores the poor ignores Christ(St. Francis of Assisi )


 John11: 39, 44 Jesus said; ‘Take the stone away’ … ‘Unbind him, let him go free’.

 You have been carrying a stone for the past five weeks – a reminder of weaknesses and failings. It is time to let that stone go.If you havebeen doing ‘something different for Lent’ your journey is coming to an end. Come to the Reconciliation Service atthePro-Cathedral onSaturday 16 April at 11.40 a.m.when all the strands of our reflections over the past five weeks will come together in a joyful celebration. Follow these five steps from Monday to Friday in preparation. Bring your stone with you.

 1. Psalm50:3  Myoffences truly I know them.

 Take time to look in the mirror and ask thesequestions

 Do I fail to see the goodness in myself which leads me to be envious,destructive anddepressed?

 Do I recognise the gifts of others and acknowledgethem by my affirmation?

 Do I judge myself and others very harshly?

 2. Matthew 17:1 Jesus led them up a high mountain where they could be alone.

 When going to sleep at night:

 Begin your preparations for bed earlier than usual

 Think of all the people you met today

 Be grateful for all the blessings of the day

 Let go of all hurts that have accumulated throughout the day

 3John 4:15Give me some of that water so that I may never get thirsty and never have to come here again to draw water

 As the angelus bell rings reflect on the Baptismalpromises

 Do you reject sin, so as to live in the freedom of God’s children?

 My faults are weighing me down – I want to befree.

 Do you reject the glamour of evil and refuse to be mastered by sin?

 I can rise above the lure of doing what I know isbad.

 I can take control with help.

 4. John 9:7The blind man went off and washed himself,and came away with his sight restored.

 As you wash yourself in the morning reflectinthis way

 What are your blind spots?

 Are you aware of your own blindness?

 Do you appreciate your own gifts?

 Are you generous in seeing the good points in others?

How narrow is your view or focus on life in general?

 Whereis the face of Christ to be seen today?

 Do you see the face of Christ when you look in the mirror?

 Do you see the face of Christ in those you meet in the street?

 Do you see the face of Christ in those with whom you work?

 Do you see the face of Christ in the poor and thehomeless?

 5.John 11:3, 44Take the stone away …. unbind him, let him go free.

 Take your stone in your hand and say aloud thesewords

 ‘Let the one without sin cast the first stone’Lord, help me to be compassionate as I would like others to be towards me

 The stone which the builder rejected has become the corner stone’Lord, give me the strength to face opposition withcourage

 ‘They picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple’Lord, be with me when I am introuble

 ‘I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart offlesh’Lord, be with me and help me to change

 ‘Lest you strike your foot against a stone’ Lord, assist me when I shoot myself in the foot by mystubbornness

 They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb’ Lord, encourage me to embrace the freedom you offerthrough the grace of forgiveness

 Thought for the Week (Rumi)

 ‘You would rather throw stones at a mirror?I am your mirrorand here are the stones.