Reflection from Psalm No. 46

God is our refuge and our strength.
He is a sure help in days of trouble.
Even when the world seems to dissolve in chaos, and
Nations are wracked by wars;
Yet, I will never doubt that our Great King is with us.
He has come to save us.

He counsels me,
‘Wait quietly, and you shall have proof that I am God.’
Hurry blinds me to your presence.
Feverish activity allows no time for you.
Only in the peace of my soul do I recognise you.
Only in the silence of my heart can I worship you.

Soothe my emotions;
Heal my anxiety;
Allay my fears.

Be still! and know that I am God.
He is our refuge and our strength. [Psalm 46:10]

Glory be…

This reflection was composed by Fr Kevin Lyon, a priest of the Dublin Diocese, and flows from his praying the psalms. Published in the book: Psalm-Prayers for every mood, reproduced with permission from the author and publishers: Columba Press,