1. The Structure of the Nuptial Mass    and
2. The Strcuture of a Wedding
Ceremony celebrated outside of the Mass

Here is an outline of the usual Structure of the Rite of Marriage when celebrated within a Mass

Introductory Rites
Opening Hymn, Organ Voluntary or Entrance Antiphon Questioning concerning any lawful impediment to the marriage.
Liturgical Greeting
Introduction & welcome[optional: candle ceremony]
Penitential Rite
Gloria (optional and never during Lent)
Opening PrayerThe Liturgy Of The Word
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm (often sung)
Second Reading 
Gospel Acclamation (usually sung)
All sit while the Homily is given.
The Rite Of Marriage
Declaration of Consent
Blessing of Rings
Exchange of Tokens (optional)
Candle Ceremony (optional)
Prayer of the Newly Married Couple (optional)
Prayer of the faithful The Liturgy of the Eucharist
The gifts of bread and wine to be consecrated in the Eucharist are brought to the altar. Often a hymn or piece of music accompanies this
Prayer over the gifts 
Eucharistic Prayer 
Communion Rite
Our Father
Nuptial Blessing 
Sign of Peace
Lamb of God.
The  (Bride) and (Groom) receive communion under both species before communion is distributed to the congregation. Anyone who for whatever reason is unable to receive communion is invited to receive a blessing from the priest. They should indicate so by crossing their arms across their chest as they come forward.
Communion Hymn(s)
Prayer after Communion
Final Blessing
The Signing of the Register now takes place, usually on a table to the side of the altar or in the sacristy. Then the newly married couple process out of the Church together. 
‘Registry’ Hymn or piece of music
Signing of the Register 
Recessional Hymn/Music **************
And this an outline of the usual Structure of the Rite of Marriage when celebrated outisde of the Mass(its very similar to the above in form and content without the Preparation of Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer and Communion Rite)
Introductory Rites
Opening Hymn, Organ Voluntary or Entrance Antiphon Questioning concerning any lawful impediment to the marriage.
Liturgical Greeting
Introduction & welcome[optional: candle ceremony]
Penitential Rite
Gloria (optional and not during Lent)
Opening PrayerThe Liturgy Of The Word
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm (often sung)
Second Reading 
Gospel Acclamation (usually sung)
All sit while the Homily is given.
The Rite Of Marriage
Declaration of Consent
Blessing of Rings
Exchange of Tokens (optional)
Candle Ceremony (optional)
Prayer of the Newly Married Couple (optional)
Prayer of the faithful Our Father
Nuptial Blessing
Sign of Peace

Concluding Prayer
Final Blessing
The Signing of the Register now takes place, usually on a table to the side of the altar or in the sacristy. Then the newly married couple process out of the Church together. 
‘Registry’ Hymn or piece of music
Signing of the Register 
Recessional Hymn/Music