For everything there is a season ….
The topic of climate change as the subject for a Lenten Service of reconciliation is relevant to any parish community as the causes and remedies bring out values such as courage, imagination, compassion, generosity and commitment. In addition this issue brings us face to face with human weaknesses such as selfishness, carelessness, laziness, ingratitude, wastefulness, indifference, prejudice and intolerance. The basic idea of reconciliation with God and neighbour can be explored in the context of being global neighbours with rights and responsibilities for all. The images from this year’s Trócaire Lenten programme can be powerfully used as reflections or for an examination of conscience. The ideas below open up the possibilities from which to choose for your community.
Setting the Scene
Create a prayerful atmosphere as people gather with gentle music playing in the background. Use cloths of purple and white to decorate the sacred space offering the contrast of penitence and innocence. Subdued lighting can be effective by use of candles with some nightlights also placed to create a pathway to each of the confessors. Sticks of incense can indicate far off places as well as adding to the spirit of prayer.
The images from this year’s campaign can be used on a continuous loop, if facilities allow, to provoke and stimulate people as they wait for the service to begin. These would include images of parched earth, local people, housing, water carrying and water supply etc.
The Lenten space can be used as a strong visual centre for the celebration. One possibility is to create two gardens – one that is barren and stark like the Lenten desert and another that is rich and lush to convey the idea of the Garden of Eden. As people receive absolution they could walk from one to the other as a sign of the journey they have now travelled. They could plant seeds in the garden or place plants there also as a sign of their new life through the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This idea can also be captured by asking people to walk across a bridge of contrasting colours – one half black and the other white. At the centre of the bridge is the Bible and people are encouraged to touch it as they pass over.
Gathering Song
The opening song needs to be well known or be sung in a responsorial style. A setting of Psalm 50 – Be Merciful O Lord by Michael Joncas or a folk song such as Amazing Grace would be appropriate. Take Me Home by David Haas is easy to pick up and would convey the sense of reconciliation as coming home not only to the Lord but also to oneself. Here I Am To Worship () in the Gospel tradition would also be effective.
Opening Song Create in Me (Marty Haugen)
All sing: Create in me, a clean heart, O God.
Welcome and Introduction
The topic of climate change as the subject for a Service of reconciliation is relevant to us today as the causes and remedies bring out values such as courage, imagination, compassion, generosity and commitment. In addition this issue brings us face to face with human weaknesses such as selfishness, carelessness, laziness, ingratitude, wastefulness, indifference, prejudice and intolerance. We will explore the basic idea of reconciliation with God and our global neighbours.
Opening Prayer
Let us pray,
Compassionate and understanding God, loving creator of all, we ask your help as we take this step on our journey of reconciliation home to you. Open our hearts to your boundless love and mercy. Give us the courage to walk into your loving embrace where we can be restored, refreshed and renewed. We ask this, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Genesis 1:11-13
Reader 1.
God said, ‘Let the earth produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants, and fruit tree bearing fruit with their seed inside, on the earth’. God saw that it was good.
Reader 2.
You created me in your own image and likeness. You always see the good in me. I am sorry that I often fail to see that goodness in myself which leads me to be destructive, envious and depressed. I fail to honour the gift of life when I neglect my health by not having regular health checks, by overeating, overindulging in alcohol, overworking and failing to take necessary exercise.
Reader 3.
I fail to look after God’s creation when I pollute the planet which we share with others. In my carelessness I drop litter all over the place. By my laziness I refuse to get involved in recycling. By my selfishness I waste water that is needed to irrigate the vegetation and plant-life. I regret my capacity to block out the pictures that daily remind me of the effects of my actions on the lives of others.
All say: Lord, forgive me and help to change
Genesis 1:20-21
Reader 1.
God said, ‘Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let the birds fly above the earth within the vault of heaven’. God saw that it was good.
Reader 2.
You created me in your own image and likeness. You always see the good in me even when I fall down. I am sorry that I satisfy my own desires for food and comfort at the expense of others. I look down on those who are not as materially successful as I am. I resent the amount of money that is spent on social welfare. I dodge my taxes and have been less than truthful with insurance claims.
Reader 3.
I don’t care where products come from or what the workers were paid once they are cheap. I won’t go to the trouble of finding Fair Trade products. I am sorry that I ignore the facts presented to me regularly about the pollution of water supplies, destruction of preserved species. I am sorry that I lack the courage to speak out when I see waste and destruction. I am sorry when I am too lazy and uncommitted to stick to my resolutions.
All say: Lord, forgive me and help to change
Genesis 2:16-17
Reader 1.
Then Yahweh God gave the man this admonition, ‘You may eat indeed of all the trees in the garden. Nevertheless of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you are not to eat, for on that day you eat of it you shall most surely die’.
Reader 2.
You created me in your own image and likeness. You always see the good in me even when I turn my back on your advice. The mark of original sin is on me. I sometimes behave as if I was God. I am sorry that like the child who pushes out the boundaries I test your patience by my failure to be forgiving and for my tendency to judge myself and others very harshly. My focus on myself
Reader 3.
I know that the produce of the earth is limited and that energy resources are put under pressure by my indifference to the needs of my neighbours, even those who live in my own country. I ask for your help in the light of my ability to make a difference and my power to effect change.
All say: Lord, forgive me and help to change
Gracious God, you know the secrets of our hearts. Your constant patience with our ungrateful actions in relation to your gift of created life makes us resolve to change our ways and be pro-active in protecting the environment you placed in our care. Give us the courage to change ourselves and the resolution to work with others to make a difference and to avert the disaster of climate change that will affect the most vulnerable in the world today.
Solutions to the problems of climate change will not take effect overnight but we should not underestimate the value of the small changes each individual can make. The Power of One campaign highlights the capacity for change that can be brought about by each individual who is aware and in tune with the need for conservation and generous sharing of resources today. We can make a difference by recycling our waste and keeping our environment free of litter. We can change our habits by taking showers instead of baths. We can resolve to turn off lights left on at home, in school, college or at work. We need to expand our horizons so that we learn to appreciate the needs of our global neighbours with whom we share this planet and to act accordingly.
Communal Act of Penance
All say:
O my God, I thank you for loving me, I am sorry for all my sins, for not loving others and for not loving you. Help me to live like Jesus and try not to sin again. Amen.
Individual Confession and Absolution
As people move forward for individual confession and absolution music and prayers can be alternated to keep the sense of unity and to provide background ambience to allow for privacy. The confessors might hand each person a prayer card after the absolution which will have the Trócaire image on it with a Scripture quotation from the service. Bowls of water could be held by other parishioners, a discreet distance away, so that all can wash their hands as a sign of letting go of their past failures.
A collective penance might be suggested and people could be invited to contribute to the cost of sinking a well in a developing country. Similarly a collection might be made for the work of Trócaire in this area. Individual penances might involve resolving to turn off unnecessary lights, sparing the use of water or the planting of shrubs or trees.
Closing Prayer
All say:
Lord, we thank you for the gift of your forgiveness that lightens our step and lifts the burden of guilt from our shoulders.
Lord, we thank you for the gift of your forgiveness that now enables us to open our hearts to others in a spirit of reconciliation.
Lord, we thank you for the gift of your forgiveness that encourages us to walk your path of truth and justice.
May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, superficial relationships, so that you will live deep within your heart. Amen.
May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you will work for justice, equality and peace. Amen.
May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you will reach out your hand to comfort them and change their pain into joy. Amen.
And may God bless you with the foolishness to think that you can make a difference in the world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done. Amen.
May Almighty God bless you…….
Recessional Song Walk in the Light
All sing:Let’s all join together in communion sweet
Walk, walk in the light.
And love one another till the Saviour we meet,
Walk, walk in the light.
Walk in the light, walk in the light,
walk in the light, walk in the light. of love.
Why not have some food and drink for all after the service in the style of the feast in the Prodigal story? Fair Trade products including tea and coffee could be used to keep the celebration in harmony with the theme of the service.