Penitential Service Gathering Song Come Bring Your Burdens To God (South African Traditional) All sing: Come bring your burdens to God, Come bring your burdens to God, Come bring your burdens to God for Jesus will never say no. Opening Prayer Let us pray, All say: God of mercy and compassion, we know that our faults weigh(…)
Walking the Road of Reconciliation Seven Step Journey
Walking the Road of Reconciliation
Diocesan Retreat 2014 Penitential Service
DIOCESAN RETREAT 2014 – PENITENTIAL SERVICE Gathering Song Come Bring Your Burdens To God (South African Traditional) All sing: Come bring your burdens to God, Come bring your burdens to God, Come bring your burdens to God for Jesus will never say no. Introduction In our Penance Service, all of us come before the Lord(…)
Walking the Road of Reconciliation, Seven Step Journey
Walking the Road of Reconciliation Lent 2014 Seven Step Journey (Reconciliation Service included below) This seven step process of reconciliation encourages daily reflection on one line of scripture, a thought from Pope Francis and a brief daily prayer. Some positive action is also suggested inspired by the words and images relevant to the phrase from(…)

Service of Reconciliation – The Ten Commandments
Service of Reconciliation The First Reading of the Third Sunday of Lent (Year B) tells the story of the giving of the ten commandments to Moses. Invite the Liturgy Group to put together a reconciliation service based on Exodus 20:1-17 or Matthew 19:16-26. Encourage them to involve people of all ages, if possible, in the preparation(…)
Service of Reconciliation – Pity Then The Child
Pity Then The Child A Service of Reconciliation for Lent Preparation Gather a group to prepare this liturgy. Start from scratch or present the group with the outline of the service. Invite them to fill out the contents in their own style. It would be good to get a cross section of the community if(…)

Reconciliation Service – Story of the Prodigal (1)
Reconciliation Service PHOTO OF PEOPLE MAKING UP – EMBRACING. The telling of the story of the prodigal Luke 15:1-3 11-32 reminds us of the seasonal call to return home to the Lord through the grace of the sacrament of reconciliation. Home is where we belong. When we are not at home with ourselves we are(…)

Reconciliation Service – Story of the Prodigal (2)
TAKE ME HOME Opening Song Take Me Home (David Haas) All sing: Take me home to your dwelling place in your sweet embrace, ready to hold me in your arms. Take me home, to your loving eyes, with you alone I’ll rise, singing forever, in your arms, take me home. Introduction The story of the(…)

Reconciliation Service – Climate Justice
Reconciliation Service Opening Song Create in Me (Marty Haugen) All sing: Create in me, a clean heart, O God. Welcome and Introduction The topic of climate justice as the subject for a Service of Reconciliation is relevant to us today as the causes and remedies bring out values such as courage, imagination, compassion, generosity(…)

Ideas for a Reconciliation Service – The Lost Sheep
RECONCILIATION SERVICE This service is based on the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7) which is a story about sensitivity and outreach leading to reconciliation and restoration. All aspects of this sacramental service would ideally reflect these values and ideals. Please adapt for your particular situation. Invitation The usual church means of communication can(…)