Liturgy Resource Centre Holy Hour Resources
Liturgy Resource Centre Holy Hour Resources
Care for Our Common Home, Prayer Service
Prayer Service inspired by Laudato Si Care For Our Common Home Service presented by 3rd Year students of Mater Dei Institute Music led by the Dublin Diocesan Music Group Prelude Four Seasons – Autumn (Antonio Vivaldi) Introduction “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord” is the name of the recent letter(…)
Eucharistic Procession 2015
Eucharistic Procession – Corpus Christi – 4 June 2015 Brass Prelude Address Archbishop Diarmuid Martin Song Soul of my Saviour (W. J. Maher) All sing: Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast Body of Christ, be thou my saving guest Blood of my Saviour, bathe me in thy tide, Wash me ye waters streaming from his side.(…)
Jesus and the Parables
JESUS AND THE PARABLES Mark 4:31-32 Mustard Seed Mark 4:26-29 Mystery of the Seed Luke 13:20-21 Yeast Matt 13:44 Treasure in the field Matt 13:45-46 Pearl of great value Luke 15:11-32 Prodigal Son Matt 20:1-5 Labourers in the vineyard Luke 18: 10-14 Pharisee and the Publican Luke 10:30-36 The Good Samaritan Luke 15:4-6 The lost(…)
Harvest Festival of Faith
Harvest Festival of Faith

Who We Are
Dublin Diocese Liturgy Resource Centre In 2004 the LitMus (Liturgy and Music) Office was incorporated into a new Diocesan Liturgical Resource Centre, based in Clonliffe College. Archbishop Martin hopes that the centre will act as a support for parishes and other groups to encourage and enable them to improve the quality of liturgical services, including(…)
Prayer of Support
As well as the Service entitled: “PRAYERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED ABUSE OF ANY KIND” to be found in our Circle of Care section, here below we present a selection of texts from Scripture, Reflections, Prayers, Litanies and Suggestions for Music that may be of help to you in developing an appropriate prayer response(…)
Diocesan Advent Service 2006
ADVENT SERVICE – YEAR C Scripture, Reflections and Music Suggestions Procession of Light Warm the Time of Winter (Lori True) Eager Welcome (Opening Prayer) Open our hearts in welcome (Opening Prayer) Opening Prayer and Gesture To you, O Lord, I lift my soul, to you I lift my soul (Psalm 24) Responsorial Psalm To You, O(…)