Prayer Service One

 Song   Come Feast at this Table (Ian Callanan)
All sing:   
Come feast at this table, God’s banquet now is spread,
With bread of life and saving cup our hunger now is fed.

 God in an Apron (Macrina Wiederkehr)

Supper was special that night.
There was both a heaviness and a holiness
hanging in the air.
We couldn’t explain the mood.
It was sacred, yet sorrowful.
Gathered around that table
eating that solemn, holy meal
seemed to us the most important meal
we had ever sat down to eat.

 Reading  John 13:2-5
They were at supper, and the devil had already put it into the mind of Judas Iscariot son of Simon, to betray him. Jesus knew that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he had come from God and was returning to God, and he got up from table, removed his outer garment and, taking a towel, wrapped it round his waist; he then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel he was wearing.

Instrumental                    Bí ‘Íosa im Chroíse (Traditional)

 And then suddenly
the One-Who-Loved startled us all.
He got up from the table
and put on an apron.
Can you imagine how we felt?


Reading                     John 13: 6-11
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet?’ Jesus answered, ‘At the moment you do not know what I am doing, but later you will understand’. ‘Never’ said Peter ‘You shall never wash my feet’. Jesus replied, ‘If I do not wash you, you can have nothing in common with me’. ‘Then Lord’, said Simon Peter ‘not only my feet, but my hands and my head as well!’ Jesus said, ‘No one who has taken a bath needs washing, he is clean all over’.

Song     Ubi Caritas (Taizé)
All sing:   
Ubi caritas et amor,
Ubi caritas Deus ibi est.

 Tenderness encircled us
as He bowed before us.
He knelt and said,
“I choose to wash your feet
because I love you.”

When we walk in darkness:    Christ be our light
When others let us down:       Christ be our light
When our faith is tested:        Christ be our light
When we are lost:                   Christ be our light
When we are hopeless:          Christ be our light

Song  Come Adore This wondrous Presence (Ronan McDonagh)

 God in an apron, kneeling.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I was embarrassed
until His eyes met mine.
I sensed my value then.
He touched my feet.
He held them in His strong, brown hands.
He washed them.
I can still feel the water.
I can still feel the touch of His hands.
I can still see the look in His eyes

Instrumental    A Íosa Mhic Mhuire (Traditional)

Then He handed me the towel
and said,
“As I have done,
so you must do.”
Learn to bow.
Learn to kneel.

Reading    John 13:12-15
You too are clean, though not all of you are’. He knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said, ‘though not all of you are’. When he had washed their feet and put on his clothes again he went back to the table. ‘Do you understand’ he said ‘what I have done to you? You call me Master and Lord, and rightly; so I am. If I, then, the Lord and Master have washed your feet, you should was each other’s feet. I have given you and example so that you may copy what I have done to you.

To your presence in the Eucharist…              Open our eyes, Lord
To your presence within us…                          Open our eyes, Lord
To your presence among us…                          Open our eyes, Lord
To your presence in our neighbour…            Open our eyes, Lord
To your presence in those who need help…Open our eyes, Lord
To your presence in the broken                      Open our eyes, Lord
To your call to serve…                                       Open our eyes, Lord

Song   Servant Song (Richard Gillard)
All sing:  
Will you let me be your servant,
let me be as Christ to you,
pray that I may have the grace
to let you be my servant too.

We are pilgrims on a journey,
we are travellers on the road,
we are here to help each other
walk the mile and bear the load.

I will hold the Christ-light for you,
in the night-time of your fear,
I will hold my hand out to you,
speak the peace you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping,
when you laugh I’ll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow
‘til we’ve seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven,
we shall find such harmony.
Born of all we’ve known together
of Christ’s love and agony.

 Let your tenderness encircle
everyone you meet.
Wash their feet–
not because you have to–
but because you want to.

As we reach out to the poor:              unite us at your table
As we serve you in each other:           unite us at your table
As we share a sign of peace:              unite us at your table
As we drink the cup of suffering:        unite us at your table
As we eat the bread of hope:             unite us at your table 

Instrumental      A Íosa Mhilis (Pat Ahern)                                                                                            

        It seems I’ve stood two thousand years
holding that towel in my hands.
“As I have done, so must you do,”
keeps echoing in my heart.

Song     St.Teresa’s Prayer (John Michael Talbot)

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

 “There are so many feet to wash,”
I keep saying.
I hear God’s voice
resounding through the years.
“There are only My feet.
What you do for them,
you do for Me.”


All say:    We have been called to serve at the table of the Lord.
May we have the humility to let Christ’s light shine and not ours.
May we have the reverence to honour Christ in all who come to the table.
May we have the generosity to carry Christ to those who cannot be present.
We ask this in the Spirit, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Song   O Sacrament Most Holy (Arr. Ian Callanan)
All sing:  
O sacrament most holy, O sacrament divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
