Search Results for: lent

Children’s Activities

Children and Youth Activities In the book of Acts, we read that when the disciples were gathered together on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon them with a sound like the rush of a violent  wind. These activities all focus on the wind and its movement, reminding us that the Holy Spirit(…)

Choosing music for your Wedding

Choosing music for your Wedding

SELECT MUSIC FOR THE CHURCH CEREMONY The celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage is a wonderful occasion for a couple, their families, friends and the wider Christian community who gather to witness this public declaration of love and commitment. One way of getting everybody involved in the Church ceremony is to choose a programme that(…)

Readings for your wedding

Readings for your wedding

Here we present to you a selection of readings from Sacred Scripture for your Marriage celebration.  The Jerusalem version of the Bible is most often used in Roman Catholic ceremonies in Ireland. Usually the order is as follows: 1. First Reading – usually from the Old Testament 2. Responsorial Psalm (this is often sung) 3.(…)

An outline of the ceremony

An outline of the ceremony

1. The Structure of the Nuptial Mass    and 2. The Strcuture of a Wedding Ceremony celebrated outside of the Mass Here is an outline of the usual Structure of the Rite of Marriage when celebrated within a Mass Introductory Rites Opening Hymn, Organ Voluntary or Entrance Antiphon Questioning concerning any lawful impediment to the marriage. Liturgical Greeting Introduction &(…)

Weekday Celebrations for the Christian Community

Weekday Celebrations for the Christian Community

Weekday Celebrations for the Christian Community   In the world of ideas today we often hear people encouraging us to ‘think outside the box’. In other words to take a blank canvas and to create something new free from the inhibitions of a closed way of approaching issues and tasks. I propose that we do(…)

Introduction To Baptism Team Training by Colette Furlong

Introduction To Baptism Team Training by Colette Furlong

Baptism Team Training 2009   Night I – a general overview of the ministry of the Baptism Team   What are we training to do/become?   An exploration of Baptism in the first century will answer this question for us:   Adult baptism  Centrality of the relationship with the Risen Christ   Immersion into the mystery/font   Water –(…)

Seasonal Celebrations

Seasonal Celebrations It is about this time of year that the advertisements for peat briquettes begin. Summer evenings turn chilly, golden fields of wheat prepare to yield their harvest, orchards begin to drop apples and hedgegrows glisten with ripe blackberries. Autumn in all its splendour is upon us. Some look back to summer and lament the loss of(…)


Reflection from Psalm No. 131 SIMPLICITY I have used too many words in my prayers, Lord. I have tried to fit in too many ideas. I employ too many arguments. I have tried to get my prayer, All neatly tidied-up. I have kept my eye on the clock. Now I need to return To the(…)

Feast of Saint Laurence O’Toole 2014

St. Laurence O’Toole –  Patron of the Diocese of Dublin 14th November observed in Dublin as a solemnity Liturgy of the Word First Reading: Ezekiel 36:24-28 (Lectionary, vol. III, p. 509) Responsorial Psalm: Ps 22. R v 1 (Lectionary, vol. III, p 518) The Lord is my Shepherd; There is nothing I shall want Second(…)

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