Search Results for: lent

Music Suggestions for Lent – 2010

MUSIC PROGRAMME – PRO-CATHEDRAL LENT 2010 Entrance Songs                      Bless the Lord (Taizé)                   All sing:                     Bless the Lord my soul, and bless God’s holy name.                                                          Bless the Lord my soul who leads me into life.                                                         Grant to us, O Lord (Lucien Deiss)               (…)

Don’t give up on Lent

Don’t give up on Lent

“Dont give up on Lent” by Fr Pat ODonoghue   (inspired by a taste of Chocolat!) For as long as I can remember people have asked at this time of year ‘what are you giving up for Lent?’ The responses varied – sweets, biscuits, sugar, cigarettes or drink. In recent years the organisation ASH has(…)

Trocaire Lenten Veil

Trócaire Lenten Cloth A reflection on the Eucharist, Justice and Solidarity This year is a year dedicated to the Eucharist by the Holy Father. We are invited to commit ourselves to follow the road of solidarity for ‘the Eucharist is not simply an expression of community in church life: it is also a project of(…)

Music Ideas for Lent & Easter Year B

MUSIC IDEAS FOR LENT 2008   Gathering /Entrance Song The Opening Song should be accessible to all the people by virtue of familiarity, simplicity of  melody or its responsorial character. This song helps introduce the general themes of the season or the particular scripture of the day. The following alternative suggestions are offered:   1st(…)

Lenten Midday Prayers

LENTEN MIDDAY PRAYER 1 Hymn: Bless the Lord, my soul and bless God’s holy name. Bless the Lord my soul, who leads me into life. We say the Antiphon together: O my Strength, it is to you whom I turn, for you, O God, are my stronghold, the God who shows me love From Psalm(…)

Something different for Lent 2011

SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR LENT 2011  The Invitation  Would you like to join us in a 5 week ‘retreat’ with a difference?  You don’t have to travel anywhere and it won’t cost you anything except your time. You follow your daily routine but do things in a more thoughtful and reflective way. This ‘retreat’ has at(…)

Celebrating Family Mass with Families in Lent and Passiontide

CELEBRATING MASS, WITH FAMILIES IN LENT AND PASSIONTIDE Guidelines for parish teams – and all involved in liturgy Produced by the Liturgy Commission for the Archdiocese of Dublin LENT The Journey of the Christian Community I. Lent is a season of conversion and reconciliation II.Lent is a season of communal conversion III. The goal of(…)

2024 A Year of Prayer – A Prayer Journey with the Desert Mothers and Fathers

When: January 29, 2024 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Monastery Of St. Alphonsus

2024 A YEAR OF PRAYER Pope Francis has designated 2024 as a year of preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025 focused on prayer. This could be another opportunity for Partnerships to build connections between various(…)

Keep the Music Going

Keep the Music Going It is important to have music at the usual celebrations even when the music people are on summer holidays. A good cantor can keep the music going. You might find some new talent home in the parish for the summer. Keep your ear to the ground.

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