Renewal of Marriage Vows

This is a brief ceremony designed for inclusion during a Mass or Prayer service for a number of couples who are celebrating major anniversaries of their marriage (25, 30, 40 and 50 years of faithfulness). If a prayer service is envisaged instead, always include an appropriate reading from Sacred Scripture. If only one couple are renewing their vows, a more participative version of the vows can be used instead, according to the formulae to be found in the Marriage Ceremony texts section of this website.

Dear children of God, in becoming husband and wife
you gave yourselves to each other for life.
You promised to be true and faithful,
to support and cherish each other until death parts you,
that your years together may be
the living out in love of the vows you made.

The love of man and woman is made holy
in the sacrament of marriage,
and becomes the mirror of God’s faithful, everlasting love.

Since you intend now to renew your consent
before God and His Church
I invite you to join hands
(and the answer is “I do”)
And I ask you:

Do you continue to take each other as husband and wife,
and promise to love each other truly,
for better for worse, for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health, till death do you part?
Couples: I do.

Celebrant: What God has joined together
man must not separate.
May the Lord continue to enrich you
with his many blessings.

I now invite you to hold up your rings:

Almighty God, continue to bless + these rings
symbols of faithfulness and unbroken love.
May these couples always be true to each other,
be one in heart and mind
and united in love forever,
through Christ our Lord.

Celebrant: (directed to all present)

My dear friends, let us pray for these couples
as they celebrate these milestones of faithfulness.

Holy Father, creator of the universe,
maker of man and woman in your own likeness,
in union with these married couples,
we bless you and thank you for their years together.
Continue to fill their hearts
with love for you and each other.
Bless + them, their children,
their relatives and friends,
and lead them to a share in your wedding feast of heaven.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.