Monastery of St. Alphonsus Prelude Romance – Gadfly Suite (D. Shostakovich 1906 -1975) Song Jesus Remember Me (Taizé) All sing: Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom Reading Revelation 21:1-7 I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth(…)
Latest News
Close of Holy Door
Please note that as the Jubilee Year of Mercy comes to an end, Holy Doors that have been opened will close around the world. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will close the Holy Door of Mercy in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral on Sunday before 11am Mass on Sunday 13th November. You are invited to cross the Holy(…)
End of Jubilee of Mercy
Pope Francis will close the Holy Door of Mercy in St. Peter’s Basilica on 20 November. The parish conclusion of this Jubilee could be marked over that weekend for example: Friday 18 Nov (Evening) – Taizé Prayer Around the Cross with a focus on the mercy stories of Jesus – confession if practicable as an(…)
The Liturgical Year Autumn Seminar Workshop
Litmus Autumn Newsletter 2016
Litmus Newsletter Autumn 2016
Gathering for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Gathering for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Prayer Moments for Eucharistic Ministers
Prayer Moments for Eucharistic Ministers
Shout for Joy
Shout For Joy 2016
January 16 Newsletter
New Year Liturgy Seminar Come to our liturgy gathering on Saturday 30 January in Clonliffe College (9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.). Meet others involved in liturgy throughout the diocese and attend two workshops of your choice from the five on offer. Registration is at 9.00 a.m. and sessions begin at 9.30 a.m. There is a(…)