Celebrating Significant Wedding Anniversaries WMOF 2018 The Dublin Committee for the World Meeting of Families 2018 offer a template for celebrating significant wedding anniversaries. For many years, Father Pat McManus and the parish community of St. Gabriel’s Dollymount have marked significant anniversaries. The following resources below build on this great initiative which has been(…)

Choosing music for your Wedding
SELECT MUSIC FOR THE CHURCH CEREMONY The celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage is a wonderful occasion for a couple, their families, friends and the wider Christian community who gather to witness this public declaration of love and commitment. One way of getting everybody involved in the Church ceremony is to choose a programme that(…)

The Wedding Album
THE WEDDING ALBUM The celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage is a wonderful occasion for a couple, their families, friends and the wider Christian community who gather to witness this public declaration of love and commitment. This collection is designed to help in choosing suitable music for the ceremony in the Church. A wide(…)

Readings for your wedding
Here we present to you a selection of readings from Sacred Scripture for your Marriage celebration. The Jerusalem version of the Bible is most often used in Roman Catholic ceremonies in Ireland. Usually the order is as follows: 1. First Reading – usually from the Old Testament 2. Responsorial Psalm (this is often sung) 3.(…)

Ceremony texts
Here is the complete range of texts that can be chosen during the Roman Catholic celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. THE CHOICE OF TEXTS: The Greeting Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. All: And with your spirit. Or(…)

Renewal of Vows
Renewal of Marriage Vows This is a brief ceremony designed for inclusion during a Mass or Prayer service for a number of couples who are celebrating major anniversaries of their marriage (25, 30, 40 and 50 years of faithfulness). If a prayer service is envisaged instead, always include an appropriate reading from Sacred Scripture. If(…)

Getting married in Church – first considerations
If you are considering getting married in Church, first of all, warmest best wishes to you as you begin your preparations for this Sacrament! Before you make any bookings, it could be very useful for you to read through a very helpful pamphlet called “Planning your Wedding Day”, produced by ACCORD (the Catholic Marriage support agency) which features(…)

An outline of the ceremony
1. The Structure of the Nuptial Mass and 2. The Strcuture of a Wedding Ceremony celebrated outside of the Mass Here is an outline of the usual Structure of the Rite of Marriage when celebrated within a Mass Introductory Rites Opening Hymn, Organ Voluntary or Entrance Antiphon Questioning concerning any lawful impediment to the marriage. Liturgical Greeting Introduction &(…)