The Preparatory Rites on Holy Saturday:
Again in the context of a Liturgy of the Word of God
Returning of the Creed
Ephphetha Rite
Choosing a Baptismal Name
Anointing with the Oil of Catechumens which symbolises their need for God’s help and strength
and finishing with a Blessing
Celebrating the Easter Vigil: “This is the night….”
Paragraph 198 of the Ritual tells us . “The third step in the Christian initiation of adults is the celebration of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and eucharist. Through this final step the elect, receiving pardon for their sins, are admitted into the people of God.”
Some things to consider:
Have a Real Fire outside (use authentic symbols that will speak with their own inherent power), extra microphones (so that the calling, questions and candidates responses can be heard) incense, lots of participative singing (you will need to plan this way in advance with your parish choir), chrism (fresh from the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday), extra chalices for communion under both kinds, reserved place for the Elect and their Godparents and family, alb (or other suitable white garment), don’t forget to register it in the parish registers.
The Rites of Initiation begin after the Homily (the numbers below refer to the Ritual paragraphs) – at the Baptismal font if it is in full view of the faithful [211]; otherwise in the sanctuary where a vessel of water for the rite should be prepared beforehand (into which the Paschal Candle is immersed during the blessing).
An assisting deacon or minister calls them forward and their godparents present them [212]. Make sure not to block the congregation’s view.
Litany of Saints with: “Give new life to these chosen ones by the grace of baptism”
Prayer of blessing over the water
Renunciation of Sin and Profession of faith (how can we make sure they can be heard?) [see # 203 on this active personal resolve to renounce error and to hold fast to God]
Baptism: by immersion or the pouring of water, either or both godparents place their right hand on the candidate’s shoulder. [220]
Clothing with a baptismal garment (an alb) by the godparents [223]
Presentation of a Lighted Candle [224] – Godparents light it and present it.
Confirmation: Laying on of Hands by priests – anointed with Chrism – again godparents have their right hand on the candidate’s shoulder. [see #208]
230. the whole congregation renew their baptismal promises.
General Intercessions begin immediately and for the first time the ‘neophytes’ take part in them
232. Eucharistic Prayer: special added mention of the newly baptized and confirmed [to be found in the Roman Missal pages 756 and 757.]
233. It is most desirable that the neophytes, together with their godparents, parents, spouses and catechists (who are eligible) receive communion under BOTH kinds.